Can We Not Just Get On With It?
[Image: Choosing our Future Emissions Trajectory]
I sometimes wonder why I keep putting myself through it every time. The seemingly endless reviewing of IPCC reports every time a new update comes out. Surely we have enough information about the science of climate change already?
The latest IPCC assessment of the physical science behind climate change definitely makes me question my own sanity – and more pertinently the sanity of us all that we keep increasing our emissions in the face of such a huge body of evidence.
Humans 'unequivocally responsible' for climate change – tick. Scale of change in our climate systems 'unprecedented' – tick. Already seeing 'weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe' – tick.
As someone fascinated by physical geography from a very young age, I have to say I find some of the research behind this latest report fascinating. As a concerned citizen – perhaps one made a little more impatient by the rigours of home schooling this past year – I find myself becoming more and more frustrated as the years go by.
Surely we don't need to keep hearing these ever more strident messages from the experts any more? Surely the penny is finally going to drop? Surely we are finally going to just get on with it?
But no. More delays in climate change policy seem likely. More climate change enhanced natural disasters seem inevitable. And in the meantime, I will continue to fear for the future my kids are going to have.
One change I think I am going to make following this latest round of IPCC reporting though, is just to not go into such granular detail with every latest piece of science.
The summary remains "It's worse than we thought, we need to act quicker" every time, so I think I'm just going to keep that as my assumption and focus more wholeheartedly on the solutions rather than the symptoms.
I'm also going to spend more time with my kids – at the very least I can get them as prepared as possible for the world that lies ahead of them and (somehow) help them find a way to thrive.
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