Cultivating Optimism...
[Image: Aftermath of Black Summer, Cobargo]
I've often referred to my innate optimism in previous ponderings, but have never touched on how much work is needed to maintain it.
Although naturally optimistic, I've always had to put time and effort into cultivating a positive frame of mind, never more so than in the past 3 years through times of accelerating climate change, the Black Summer bushfires, Trump & COVID-19.
As I look ahead at the challenges facing us all, I understand better than ever before the constant need to keep my batteries charged and to make sure I am taking the time to keep my eyes up towards a better world, rather than just focusing on the bad stuff that needs fixing.
One of the key supports I have in maintaining that sense of positivity rests both in the people around me, whether they be individuals I'm working with or my family and friends. I have the sort of personality that tends to go deep into anything I'm working on, so having a support network around me to keep lifting me out of the trenches becomes absolutely critical whenever I'm deep into the latest project.
Living amongst nature as I have recently re-located myself & my family to do is also a key part of my 'optimism cultivating toolbox', but even before I moved I would always know when I needed a fix from the natural world to restore some balance.
The last giver of optimism is a much less strategic one, but spending time with my wife and kids is a sure fire way to get my equilibrium back. After all, it's hard to be down at the same time as being an 8 year olds' dragon (however hard the day might have been!!)
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